How we communicate
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Compass, Facebook and Seesaw
The Schools main means of communication is through the Seesaw APP. Seesaw is used by class teachers as a means of communication directly from the classroom. You can keep up to date with real time activities in the class as well as contact the teacher via Seesaw. Any notes for incursions and excursions will be sent via Seesaw. You will be sent a direct link and QR code for your children once they are enrolled at MDHS.
The Schools also communicates through Compass, an app for staff, students and parents in public schools. Student absences, attendance, behaviour, sick bay and other notifications come through Compass. You can download the app via the link below.
Secondary to this is via our Facebook page, which is updated by staff frequently and can be accessed through the link below.
School Newsletter
The School Newsletter is called the ‘Messenger’ and is a newsletter that is sent out to parents during the term.
In addition, notes are sent home via Seesaw and Compass to provide details about upcoming events and to seek parent permission for student participation in different activities.
Parent Communication Guide
Mukinbudin DHS has a variety of platforms that it uses to communicate to families and the wider community. The purpose of this is to have an informed community and celebrate our school successes.
Assemblies are held twice a term (except in Term 4) on a Thursday afternoon in the Primary Assembly area. Dates of each assembly are advised through the ‘Messenger‘ newsletter, and on the Term Planner. Class Presentation Assemblies begin at 2.15pm and Awards Assemblies begin at 2.30pm. At these assemblies coming events are discussed, small celebrations are shared and a merit award is given to selected children from each class. Parents and Community members are welcome to attend.
At the end of the school year a Presentation Evening is held. Classes usually present items and Academic Excellence, Endeavour and other Awards are presented. Graduating students are acknowledged as well as Kindy students.
Emergency Contacts Information
Parents are requested to ensure that the emergency contacts (especially phone numbers) registered on their child’s enrolment are current at all times. Annual Update Forms will be sent out in the first weeks of the new school year. Please include mobile phone numbers & email addresses as well.
This information is very important, please keep the school up to date on any changes.
Open Classroom Afternoon
Teachers may hold a Classroom Open afternoon during Term 1 and Term 4. At this Classroom Open afternoon, teachers generally discuss class programs, operation of the class, homework expectations, etc. This is not the time to discuss individual children. If parents need to have a more in depth conversation about their child, then it is important to make an appointment to see the teacher at a more convenient time. (See Parent Interviews above)
Parent Interviews
From time to time, a teacher may have concerns about your child’s progress and arrange an interview time with you. Parents are also encouraged to make appointments to discuss their child’s progress, especially if there are concerns on your part. Remember if there are concerns, your child’s teacher should be your first port of call. Please phone the school or write a note to the teacher to make an appointment.
Reporting Process
- Students will receive a formal written report, sent out on Compass, at the end of Semester 1 & Semester 2.
- Please note that your child’s teacher may request a meeting with you to discuss your child/ren’s progress.
- Parents should also request a meeting with the teacher if they have any concerns regarding their child/ren’s progress at school.
- NAPLAN /MSE are conducted annually for students in Yrs 3,5,7 & 9. The assessments cover Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Society & Environment (Yrs 5,7 & 9).
- PEAC (Year 4 in Term 3) to determine students eligible for inclusion in the District Primary Extension and Challenge courses