Dress Code
School Uniform Policy
Children at this school are expected to wear their uniform every day. This is a school policy endorsed by the School Board. It is expected that our students will take pride in their personal appearance and be supported in this by their parents to ensure that uniforms are complete, tidy, in good condition and appropriate in size. Please ensure that your child leaves for school appropriately dressed each day.
The Mukinbudin District High School community actively encourages the wearing of school uniforms and strongly recommends that all items are clearly labelled and identifiable.
This school has a ‘No Hat – No Play in the Sun’ policy enforced all year round. Students are required to wear a wide brimmed hat for all outdoor activities. This is inline with the schools SunSmart policy. The P & C have school hats that are available for purchase from the front office.
Uniforms are seen as desirable for a number of reasons. These include:
- promoting identity with the school
- promoting pride in the school
- encouraging a sense of unification and belonging
- eliminating competition in dress issues
- allowing for ready identification of school members on excursions and thereby promoting student safety
- preparing students for the expectations of society that we dress appropriately for our occupations
- presenting a positive image for the school
Upper Body Uniform
- MDHS polo shirt
- Gold polo shirt (gold faction)
- Bottle green polo shirt (green faction)
- MDHS polar fleece zip up jacket
- MDHS black Secondary jacket
Lower Body Uniform
- Bottle green or black shorts/skirt/skorts
- Bottle green or black pants
- One-piece swimwear/two-piece racing bathers/board shorts
- Green and white check skirt
Other Uniform Items
- Green and gold polo dress
- MDHS broad-brimmed hat
- Plain socks
- Green and white check dress
Please note:
- Parents will be contacted if their child’s clothing is deemed to be inappropriate by administration staff and students will be provided with alternate clothing for that day.
- Parents are asked to ensure their children are appropriately dressed for all sporting events.
- The bottle green and gold polo shirt is preferred for Interschool Carnivals.
- Additional winter apparel such as beanies, scarfs, etc to be in line with the Principles of the Dress Code and not worn inside without specific teacher permission.
- Jewellery, other than watches and stud or sleeper earrings, are not permitted. For example, dangling earrings constitute a safety hazard and are dangerous.
- Suitable covered footwear must be worn. Please note: THONGS are not acceptable.
- All students & staff are not admitted to Home Economics, Industrial Arts or Science practical classes unless they are wearing enclosed shoes.
- Excessive make up is not permitted and students will be asked to remove it if present.
Jewellery, other than watches and stud or sleeper earrings, are not permitted. For example, dangling earrings constitute a safety hazard and are dangerous.
Suitable covered footwear must be worn. Please note: THONGS are not acceptable. All students & staff are not admitted to Home Economics, Industrial Arts or Science practical classes unless they are wearing enclosed shoes.
Excessive make up is not permitted and students will be asked to remove it if present.
Where to Source Your Uniform
- MDHS broad-brimmed hat available from the school office.
- MDHS Polo Shirt, MDHS polar fleece zip up jacket and MDHs Black Secondary jacket available from the Post
Office/Newsagency. - All other articles available at most major retailers.
- A small supply of second-hand school clothes are available based on supply from the school.
- Students whose families are experiencing financial difficulties regarding the purchase of a uniform should access the student Support Fund via Student Support Fund – Mukinbudin District High School (mukinbudindhs.wa.edu.au)
Free Dress Days
Students who, for religious or health reasons, may wish to modify the school dress code are required to make an appointment with the Principal or designated staff member.
Staff will be informed of any student granted a modification to the dress code.
Lost Property
Modifications to the Dress Code
On occasions, as advertised and in the evenings on school camps, students are permitted to wear free dress so long as it complies with the following guidelines:
- It appropriately covers the student in a manner that is respectful to themselves and others
- It maintains student safety while carrying out activities i.e. stiletto heels and dangly earrings present a hazard if required to participate in physical activity
Staff addressing breaches of the dress code will:
- arrange for students who do not comply with the dress code and their families to be counselled and their concerns resolved where possible;
- Assist/support in obtaining suitable clothing, if necessary; and
Students who still do not comply with the school’s dress code will be denied the opportunity to represent their school at:
- Official Non-Compulsory
school activities; - Non-Compulsory
performances; - Interschool
sports competitions - Other sanctions may include the use of school consequences as per the school behaviour policy.