Student Support Fund
About the Fund
- About 10% of Australian children (that is, about half a million children) live in a family which is suffering poverty or serious hardship.
- More than one quarter of all homeless people are families with children.
- Children from disadvantaged families are six times more likely to go to school without breakfast than students from less disadvantaged backgrounds.
- Families in Australia pay more of the total cost of their children’s education than in most other developed countries.
- Social disadvantage is a key cause of differences between children’s level of educational achievements (greater than in many other countries).
- Children from disadvantaged families are twice as likely as those from less advantaged families to have very low levels of literacy and numeracy.
- 40% of students from disadvantaged backgrounds leave school before year 12, but only 20% of students from high socio-economic backgrounds.
- Children who do not complete Year 12 or its equivalent are twice as likely to become unemployed as those who do.
Students, Parents, Teachers, Student Support Case Managers, and other people involved with MDHS may be eligible to seek financial assistance on behalf of a student(s) for:
1. Uniforms
2. Booklists and Learning Equipment
3. Camps, Excursions and Activities
4. External Education Assistance
Students must be enrolled in years K-12 at MDHS and attend regularly. Students, Teachers, Welfare Workers, Parents or guardians who are involved in the student(s) education may apply for this assistance at any time.
Applicants prove low-income status by providing a photocopy of a current Centrelink Card or Health Care Card with means tested payment codes or to provide an outline of the extenuating circumstances.
Assessment and Privacy:
- All personal information will be kept in a secure manner.
- All information provided in the application is strictly confidential.
- Applications will be assessed by a committee consisting of the School Principal, School Chaplain and one member of the Mukinbudin P&C Executive Committee.
- Checks may be made with education institutions to confirm enrolment, with financial institutions to verify account details to ensure that payment is made correctly, and with Centrelink to verify concession entitlements.
- Successful applicants’ payments may be made directly to the applicant, directly to MDHS or to the supplier at the discretion of the assessing committee.
- Applications will be assessed in a timely manner and be dependent on funds available.
Provisions of the Fund
Funding of a minimum of $300.00 per term will be provided to the MDHS Student Support Fund. Funding will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Other donations and philanthropists are welcomed to contribute to this fund at any time. Please contact either the Mukinbudin District High School or Mukinbudin P&C to discuss.
The role of the P&C:
- The Mukinbudin DHS P&C will oversee the administration and implementation of the Student Support Fund through:
- The receiving of applications and convening of assessment processes.
- The accepting of funds and managing payments.
- Advertising the scheme to increase awareness and seek additional donations.
- Providing an annual report on the fund.