Positive Behaviour Support

The purpose of the MDHS WA PBS Leadership Team is to create a school family.  Our family is clear about how to behave so we can all belong, feel safe, achieve, and show we care. At Mukinbudin District High School, we CARE.

  • Citizenship
  • Achievement
  • Respect
  • Engagement

For further information, you can visit https://pbismissouri.org/

If you haven’t checked out our PBS video yet, then follow the link to view it.


Sheep tags will be awarded in the four CARE colours as part of the whole-school reward system. These tags will be placed into the four rain gauges near the office and in the Primary area, with the aim of filling each gauge for a Whole School Reward. 

Bonus points will be awarded by staff in class and in the playground for demonstrating our PBS values and being a great school citizen. Individual classes may provide tiered rewards for earning sheep tags.

Providing a supportive learning environment​ to students within the beautiful community of Mukinbudin and surrounds. We at MDHS would like to say Thankyou to the Kalamaya people of the Gubrun nation for letting us share your land. We promise to look after it, the animals and people too.