Positive Behaviour Support
The purpose of the MDHS WA PBS Leadership Team is to create a school family. Our family is clear about how to behave so we can all belong, feel safe, achieve, and show we care. At Mukinbudin District High School, we CARE.
- Citizenship
- Achievement
- Respect
- Engagement
For further information, you can visit https://pbismissouri.org/
If you haven’t checked out our PBS video yet, then follow the link to view it.
Sheep tags will be awarded in the four CARE colours as part of the whole-school reward system. These tags will be placed into the four rain gauges near the office and in the Primary area, with the aim of filling each gauge for a Whole School Reward.
Bonus points will be awarded by staff in class and in the playground for demonstrating our PBS values and being a great school citizen. Individual classes may provide tiered rewards for earning sheep tags.