Behaviour Management Plan & Procedures
At Mukinbudin District High School we believe that all children are entitled to learn in a safe and supportive environment. We also believe that teachers and students have the right to teach and learn free from disruption, be treated courteously and be free from any form of discrimination. Students are encouraged to be considerate, courteous and responsible while demonstrating the school values of Care, Achievement, Respect & Engagement (CARE). Diversity is embraced through the understanding that people are different and that people have different viewpoints and behaviours. Students are encouraged to be independent learners and responsible for their thoughts and actions.
Mukinbudin District High School’s Behaviour Management Policy aims to:
- Promote positive learning for students through a safe and nurturing school environment
- Establish a behaviour framework outlining the rights, responsibilities and expectations at Mukinbudin District High School
- Provide a system where conflicts are managed and resolved in a positive manner
- Recognise and acknowledge exemplary behaviour
The core principles that underline our Behaviour Management Policy are that everyone has the right to:
- feel safe and welcome at school
- work and learn in a high quality, supportive and engaging learning environment
- be treated with respect and courtesy
- be supported to achieve success
Rights and Responsibilities:
The Mukinbudin District High School Community aims to develop attitudes and behaviours that will result in a safe, caring and mutually respectful environment in which teachers have a right to teach and students have a right to learn.
All members of the Mukinbudin DHS Community have the right to:
- be treated with courtesy and respect;
- work and learn in a safe and clean environment; and
- the cooperation and support of the school community.
Students have the RIGHT to:
- Learn freely without interruption
- Be free from discrimination of any type
- Be in a safe environment that caters for their needs
Students have the RESPONSIBILITY to:
- Show respect, courtesy, kindness and compassion to others at all times
- Behave in a manner that does not interfere with the learning of themselves and others
- Be active participants in all learning activities and contribute as required
- Care for the school and wider environment
Staff have the RIGHT to:
- Respect, courtesy and honesty
- Teach in a safe, secure and clean environment
- Co-operation and support from parents and other staff
Staff have the RESPONSIBILITY to:
- Model respectful, courteous and honest behaviour
- Ensure that the school environment is kept neat, tidy and secure
- Establish positive relationships with students
- Ensure good organisation and planning in an environment which is conducive to learning and addresses the needs of individuals
- Ensure their skills are kept up to date
- Report student progress to parents
Parents have the RIGHT to:
- Access a meaningful and adequate education for their child
- Be informed about school policies and curriculum
- Receive and offer information about their children’s learning and behaviour
- Have access to staff and the Principal in matters related to the education of their child
- Be consulted regarding the behaviour management of their child
Parents have the RESPONSIBILITY to:
- Support the school in providing a meaningful and adequate education for their children
- Ensure that their child participates in educational programs
- Communicate issues and concerns that may impact their child’s performance or development at school
- Ask for information if they are unaware or want to know more
- Provide their child with social, emotional and behaviour skills
All members of the Mukinbudin DHS Community share responsibility for the maintenance of good order and personal safety within the school.
Student Code of Behaviour:
- Listen to and be inclusive of others and their opinions
- Show empathy towards others
- Take pride in our environment
- Work collaboratively
- Lead by example
- Share equipment and take turns
- Support school events and get involved
- Think before you act and make good choices
- Welcome and include others to our school
- Always do your best work
- Learn from your mistakes
- Set learning goals and work hard to achieve them
- Be a good sport
- Encourage others
- Follow the rules
- Try your best and participate proudly
- Complete your homework
- Speak kindly and in an appropriate volume and tone
- Be polite and use your manners
- Raise your hand to speak and wait patiently for your turn
- Treat others kindly and fairly
- Keep our bodies to ourselves
- Take responsibility for your mistakes
- Take pride in your school
- Wear your school uniform proudly
- Wear your hat when outside
- Put rubbish in the bin
- Use equipment appropriately and safely
- Allow others to learn
- Be on time and ready to learn
- Be prepared with all your equipment ready each day
- Actively listen and speak appropriately to other people
- Actively participate in all aspects of school
- Listen to and follow teachers’ instructions
- Be friendly
- Ask for help when needed
- Offer help when asked
- Participate responsibly
- Engage in safe play at all times
Negative Behaviour Stages, Procedures and Consequences
Procedure/ Consequence
Stage 1 – Low Level Disruptive Behaviours
- Not listening
- Not following instructions
- Calling out
- Not following class/ school rules
- Interrupting/ moving around the class
- Leaving the class without permission
First offence – verbal warning
Second offence – verbal warning
Third offence – 1 to 5 minutes time out as appropriate (at the teachers discretion)
These behaviours will be managed by teachers, with the student remaining in class.
Stage 2 – Disrespectful Behaviour
- Speaking disrespectfully
- Answering back
- Eye rolling
- Telling lies
- Walking away when being spoken to
- Running on the Verandah
- Running with technology
- Being in an ‘out of bounds’ area during play time
- Leaving the classroom without permission
- Continuation of Stage 1 behaviours
First offence – verbal warning from teacher
Second offence – discussion with teacher about behaviour; including notification of 5 to 10 minute time out at recess or lunch time to be completed outside the DP’s office.
Parent/ Guardian notified either in person at the end of the day or via phone, email or Seesaw message.
Behaviour and parent communication to be recorded on SIS & Compass.
Third offense – sent to office for discussion with Deputy Principal or Principal, plus completion of 10-minute time out mentioned above.
Stage 3 – Hurtful or Dangerous Behaviour
- Targeted, repetitive name calling
- Swearing
- Threatening others/ Intimidation
- Stealing/ Theft
- Damage to Property
- Aggressive physical contact with others (e.g. hitting, punching, kicking, fighting, throwing items at others, spitting)
First offense – sent straight to the office – Deputy Principal or Principal to decide on consequence based on severity of incident.
Parent/ Guardian contacted by Deputy Principal or Principal.
Behaviour and parent communication to be recorded on SIS & Compass.
Communication and Collaboration:
All Stage 2 behaviours, will be followed up with a phone call or other contact, to the child’s parents by either the classroom teacher.
Stage 3 behaviours, as well as referrals to the Principal, will be followed up with a phone call or other contact by the Deputy Principal or Principal.
Appendix 1:
Categories of Suspension – Department of Education
These categories are provided to facilitate state-wide consistency in systemic reporting about the bases for suspension; they are not a list of behaviours for which suspension is mandated.
Category 1: Physical aggression toward staff
Aggressive physical contact committed intentionally against staff.
Category 2: Abuse, threats, harassment or intimidation of staff
Verbal or non-verbal actions that are abusive, harassing, intimidating or threatening, including stalking, sexual harassment, sexual innuendo and manipulation.
Category 3: Physical aggression toward students
Aggressive physical contact committed intentionally against another student.
Category 4: Abuse, threats, harassment or intimidation of students
Verbal or non-verbal actions that are abusive, harassing, intimidating or threatening, including stalking, sexual harassment, sexual innuendo and manipulation.
Category 5: Damage to or theft of property
Direct or indirect damage to, or theft of, property.
Category 6: Violation of Code of Conduct or school/classroom rules
This covers student misconduct not addressed in any of the other categories that violate the school’s Code of Conduct.
Category 7: Possession, use or supply of substances with restricted sale
This category covers use or supply of substances such as cigarettes, alcohol and prescribed medicines, that are not in themselves illegal, but the sale of which may be restricted to persons over 18.
Category 8: Possession, use or supply of illegal substance(s) or objects
The substances referred to in this category are those that are illegal under the Criminal Code. This includes weapons and illegal drugs.
Category 9: E-breaches
Breaches under the Students Online policy or Personal Use of Mobile Electronic Devices requirements. Includes breaches of an Acceptable Use Agreement; Appropriate Use of Online Services Agreement; and recording, distributing, or uploading of inappropriate images or messages of students, parents or staff with reasonable nexus to the school.